This wouldn't be a blog with any regional sense of culture without a quick moment here to talk about the mighty Earthquakicane of 2011. At least as a marker, a point in history where we all, for a collective moment, experienced something a little different, had an inordinary pause, then went back to rally sliding pumptrack turns like nothing ever happened. Because, let's face it, not much happened.
The army of looters that I feared would be charging up Allen Road haven't turned up like I thought they would.
Big picture, we're just not one of those regional populations that deal well with natural disasters. Because we don't really get many of them. That's one of the nice things about living in the Mid-Atlantic tucked away from the coast - Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Acts of God; you can spend your whole life here and see maybe just one or two. So it goes without saying that having both an Earthquake and a Hurricane in the same week sparks a level of panic in these parts, and then come to find out that Plums and Apricots are interbreeding somehow (it's a tough visualization, but give it a shot) and what do you have? People starting to buy into this whole 2012 apocalypse forecast.
So let's all dig back in for a minute, reach way down into the dark recesses of your virtual camelbacks, pull out that just-in-case-PB&J that you packed (or, if you're like me, should have packed) and take a collective look at the map to put some sanity back into life. Good things are going on.
Also, I've got some new socks on the way. Into the mailbag we go, for some news from the good folks at Pivot:

Thank YOU for submitting a photo for the Pivot Cycles catalog photo contest!To show you our appreciation we would like to send you a pair of cycling socks to show off your Pivot love on your next big ride. Send me either your shoe size or your sock size and I will get your swag out to you as soon as I can. You should see your photo on our gallery page in the next few weeks, so check back! But first…. GET OUT AND RIDE!!!Happy Trails and thanks for riding a Pivot! LisaLisa Cramton Executive Assistant, Pivot Cycles/BH USA LLC. 1829 West Drake Drive Suite 104 Tempe, AZ 85283 dir: 480-467-2920 fax: 480-467-2930 email:
So it turns out that maybe I won't be getting rich off endorsement deals for the modeling and posing I did back in May, and neither will my photographer, which also might double as further testament that the world is not ending.

On that note, I've been rolling a new out and back these days. Starting here at the rancho relaxo, of course, rolling some choice singletrack, onto some country roads to Preddy Creek for the loop, and then back - 3ish hours. Nothing to crazy, just a solid effort on some great trail. The Mach 4 is perfect for this, although tire selection perfection - a lifelong quest - still eludes me.
Plus, if you time it right, you can catch the sunset from Chestnut Grove.
Other cool stuff to do while you're hanging around re-affirming and/or waiting on the miracle of life? Dig some new trail. I was actually benching the switchback for this one when the Earthquake rumbled through. A pretty surreal moment where I realized what was happening, momentarily wondered if I'd caused the damn thing, then just hung on and tried to enjoy the ride.
Big Picture, no one cares what I was doing or what you were doing when the Earthquake hit. But everyone would like to ensure that it didn't rattle your brain so much that the ride is still a little wobbly for you. And with the Hurricane happening right on top of it now, it stands to reason that a collective back-patting and re-assurance with your neighbor should be in the cards this week. Make it fun. Take a kayak. Wear a Helment.
Then, it's back to work like usual, but hopefully with a little perspective gained from our week of wee disasters.
The world is still spinning, and so should you.
Up, up, up.