Somber morning here at Paranormal HQ, having just learned that Gord Downie - the voice and driving force behind The Tragically Hip - did, indeed, finally depart the earth this week. It was just a year ago that I learned of his cancer diagnosis, and I was lamenting how sad I was going to be when this finally happened - and wouldn't you know it, it did, and I am.
At Woodstock in '99, they played this awesome set - and about 20 minutes in during "Nautical Disaster" he stares out at the crowd, wind blowing about 30 miles/hour, his tie whipping in the wind and Canadian flags streaming from stage right to left, and I hope he knew in that moment how much he meant to Canada, and how much he meant to the rest of us too.
Anyway, on that note, I'll take to the lectern and make my annual predictions for greatness and not-so - then we'll adjourn for the weekend and find out how wrong I am about everything.
Prediction 1 -
With 70 pre-registered attendees already, I believe this Paranormal will push the edge of largest Paranormal ever. Someone said this is year 15, having now been hosted here at the Rancho relaxo for twice as long as it was hosted at Panorama farms. In that time, I think we've exceeded 200 racers only once, and that was to support good brother Scud in his darkest hour. But this year, and for no other reason that sheer inertia, I think we will go over 200 again.
Prediction 2 -
Ricky Everington for the W. I spent some time last night in the lounge of pain that is Ricky's draft, but only when he was taking it easy enough on me to allow me to hold on. It's been a while since someone had to go easy on me like that on my own trails so I could keep up - it was sort of like how I might ride with a child, allowing them to follow and even lead some without abandoning them in the woods because they might cry. So yeah, if he can stay on course, Ricky for the W.
Prediction 3 - The lap is 7.5 miles, no matter what Strava says. Over 1,000 feet of gain per lap. It's dialed, leaf blown, marked, and pimped almost beyond recognition. And it still takes almost 45 minutes at top speed. I guess Ricky and Johnny P might go under 40 minutes a couple of times, but not for long. Doing the math here on my abacus, I think 8 laps will win it.
Prediction 4 - Perfect weather.

I'll trail off on that note. Online registration is all wrapped up, but remember there's an enormous amount of race-day registration that happens for people who aren't great at planning, just like you.
See you fireside, then?
Up, up, up.
Is it a hard 10pm cutoff? Or last lap must be started by 10pm?
ReplyDeleteI think you have to start before 10 PM, and you have an hour to get in. Or something like that. Will clarify that pre-race.