Since it's just yesterday that he passed away, I'd usually put my foot down here and say emphatically that it's "TOO EARLY" for a Hugh Hefner costume at The Paranormal. But, in truth, the Paranormal has a long, long history with offensive costumes, and Hef has been dead on the inside for a long time anyway. Indeed, this one we probably can't hold back, even if we tried. So I'll just accept the modern world for how it is (emotionally and morally absent), embrace it, and offer up here some accessory ideas for your Hugh Hefner costume, were you to wear it to the Paranormal.

2) Big box of Viagra. Huge. You're pushing 90 for chrisakes, and you've got a lot of work in front of you. Maybe even have the box of Viagra actually be your duo teammate's costume. Nothing says, "we're riding this shit all night" quite like Hef and his big box of pills.

5) Harem. But instead of a bunch of girls who are less than half your age, bring your pets. For whatever reason, there is no human being on earth who will ever love you as much as the playmates loved Hef, but your labrador can get close to that kind of deep affection if you feed her enough pizza. Be sure to bring enough spare sets of bunny ears to accommodate creek running, ball fetching, the occasional fight, pond swimming, deer chasing, etc. A labrador can blow through a lot of bunny ears headbands in a single evening outside.
6) Erection-bike. I don't know how you'd pull this off, and I realize I'm hitting the bottom of the barrel with this one, but you just know the Best Costume award would go to a decent Hugh Hefner if you just committed to the full 6 hours of action and somehow pulled off a rigid bike as a fleshy, circumcised, (circumcised?)...I'm not sure. There are thousands of women who could tell you, apparently, but that information doesn't seem be readily available on The Googles. I'm getting off track here.
Obviously, I've hit rock bottom with this one. Hef, we'll miss ya. Wait, will we? I actually don't think so. Most people, I imagine, already assumed Hef was dead. And that's not the point anyway.
The point is that The Paranormal is in 3 weeks. Sign up, dress up, get it up up up.