It's hard to get a straight answer about much of anything these days. Facts are something that we, as a culture, used to do.
But we don't do that shit anymore.
Like when McCardell gave you, the masses, a heads up four days ago that you have 63 days until Pantani, that wasn't quite accurate. Pantani2020 will be Sunday, February 9th at 10 AM, which was actually only 57 days from 4 days ago, and now is...I'm not sure. I was told there would be no math.
But Sunday, February 9th, Pantani2020 will go live at 10 AM from the Paranormal field.
Nevermind the fact that I swore two years ago that if Bryan Lewis continues to ride Pantani in under 3 hours, I would make it longer and harder. And while he has, I have not.
Nevermind the fact that February 9th seems early, especially to the eggnog swilling, candy cane chomping, Christmas cake eating masses.
Nevermind the fact that no one knows if there will even be a 2020 in this vituperatively divided shitpile of a country we have become.
Nevermind the facts.
For my money, there is only this: Pantani2020 will be SUNDAY, February 9th 2020 at 10 AM.
And Bryan will be back before 12:30.
Ride your bikes, folks. The facts are useless anyway.
Up, up, up.