Spring has finally sprung, and the 22936ish has not one but two races to offer you this weekend, plus a couple of demo trucks chock full of more bearings and adjustment knobs than you can possibly turn on your own.
Bonus full moon on Saturday eve, under perfect clear skies. Chance of shredding? Nigh 100%.
Because if you can't have fun on a demo bike, you might as well be already dead.
Pivot, conveniently, is happy to let you know upfront, via the magical interwebs, exactly what kind of heat they are packing in that rad demo van. His 69er disdain notwithstanding, my Chris Cocalis bro-crush remains in full effect.
Trek, on the other hand, does not appear to do have a list of what's in their truck, presumably because it's so big they don't actually know what's in there. Their demo trailer is about 385 feet long, so I think it's more a question of what's NOT in there than what actually is.
I've ridden a bunch of Treks and Pivots. When asked by close friends to confide which I actually prefer, I tell them the truth - "Yes."
Though I can tell you that if I lived at the bottom of Torry ridge - like RIGHT at the very bottom - I'd have two of these:
TWO, not one, because it's easy to assume one of them would be the broken down subject of a crash replacement at all times.
And I'd be in the hospital.
So lucky for me, and lucky for Trek, I don't live there.
But for one weekend only, I plan on riding like I do.
Sign up, show up, giddyup up up.